Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr

58 - What is Salvation?

September 19, 2023 Debora Barr Episode 58
58 - What is Salvation?
Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
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Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
58 - What is Salvation?
Sep 19, 2023 Episode 58
Debora Barr

Rebroadcast of Episode 8

The decision you make regarding Jesus is the most important decision you will ever make in life because it affects how you live now and where you will spend eternity. Today's special guest is First Lady and Chief Ministry Officer Trina Jenkins of the First Baptist Church of Glenarden Maryland.  She helps us understand salvation and gives real-life examples of the impact a saving relationship with Jesus Christ makes in a person's life.  

Engage with Debora Barr at:

Show Notes Transcript

Rebroadcast of Episode 8

The decision you make regarding Jesus is the most important decision you will ever make in life because it affects how you live now and where you will spend eternity. Today's special guest is First Lady and Chief Ministry Officer Trina Jenkins of the First Baptist Church of Glenarden Maryland.  She helps us understand salvation and gives real-life examples of the impact a saving relationship with Jesus Christ makes in a person's life.  

Engage with Debora Barr at:


Welcome to transformed by the word, a podcast about discovering how to live your life with gratifying purpose. God created you for a reason and the Bible contains the keys to unlock your transformed life. Now, here's your host, Debora Barr


Thanks for joining me for episode eight of transformed by the word. Today we are exploring the topic. Why is salvation important? If we look to the Bible at a very familiar passage, John 3:16-17 it says, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. 

You may be asking yourself, what is salvation? Why do I need it? What do I need to do to be saved? 

Well, today I've invited a very special guest to the show. First Lady Trina Jenkins. She is the devoted wife of pastor John K Jenkins Sr of the First Baptist Church of Glenarden Maryland, where I serve as one of the associate ministers. 

First Lady Trina serves as the leader of the family life ministries department at our church. She oversees more than 30 ministries related to men, women and families. And she has a special knack for the spiritual development of women and families. She is a powerful preacher and teacher and prayer intercessor. And I am so blessed to have her on our show today. Stay tuned. We will be back in just a moment.



First Lady Trina, thank you so much for coming on the show today to share with our listening audience. It is always such a wonderful blessing to connect with you.

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

And it's wonderful to connect with you girl we doing this virtual platform. I think it's wonderful. And I'm so excited about your podcast!


Thank you so much. Today, we're going to be discussing the topic of salvation. And I thought it would be great for our listening audience just to hear your own story of salvation.

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Right. So I grew up in, in a very religious home. We were United Methodist, my family went to church every single Sunday, and we went to all the Christmas pageants and all that kind of stuff. Vacation Bible School, my family did that. And so I grew up in a very family. But that's just what we were religious. I remember being in church, and we had a youth department and we were having a youth revival. And there was a young man who came and was preaching for our youth revival. And the youth choir, of which I was singing. I can't sing a lick. I don't even know why I was in the choir setting, but I was in there. And anyway, and he talked about having a relationship with Jesus. And, man, it was like something new that we had never heard before all of us in the youth choir. We were so excited. We were like, oh, man, this must be some new religion. You can have a relationship with Jesus. I mean, and it's the funniest thing because we went to church Sunday after Sunday, but no one ever broke it down like that. And, and that revival night. I was the first one out of our choir to run to the altar. And I said, I want this relationship with Jesus. And that's how I came to be in relationship with God by believing that Jesus died for me that Jesus loved me, and that it was more than me just going to church to have a relationship with Me, and a personal one with just me. And, and so that's how I came to know him. That that wonderful, wonderful evening in October. Yeah.


So how has your life changed since then? I mean, do you remember what it was like before? and What has changed? Or what do you think the trajectory of your life how that changed as a result of your relationship with Jesus?

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Right. So, you know, I always had the big God questions in in my mind, and that was from growing up in a religious home, where you went to church every Sunday. So if I didn't go to church, I felt like something was missing. And I remember one, little something happened, my parents weren't going to church, they told me, we weren't going to church that Sunday. And my mom said, I cried so bad. My dad got up, I don't know whether my dad had the flu, whether he was sick, I don't know. But he got up because I was crying so bad, because we had to go to church. 

And so I've always had these, this sort of idea that there was a god somewhere, who, who loved me and wanted to wanted to get to know me. But I just had to figure out how to how to make that happen. I had no idea. Um, and so. So I feel like my life without a relationship with God was just sort of trying to figure out so much who we was because I knew there had to be something else. So there was always this void. And I was always trying to figure it out. 

And I was a cheerleader in high school, this lets you know how young I was when I came to Jesus, right? As a cheerleader in high school, very popular, but I just always felt this. Like, something was missing. And, and when I came into relationship with God, that void, he was able to feel, um, because I think all of us, deep down inside know that there has to be some kind of God some kind of power. And we're all searching for that. And so, um, yeah, that's, that's, that's, I think, if I if I hadn't come into relationship with Jesus, when I did, I would have went after so many other avenues trying to fulfill that void. So I'm so grateful.


Yeah, that's powerful, especially that void. And it sounds like God was drawing you. I mean, he, you had some sort of pull by him, even as a girl to want to go to church and want to know who God is.


First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think all of us have that. I think all of that all of us have that yearning that they that there has to be something else. You know, when I was in school, and, and I studied religion for maybe a couple of years, just different religions. But anyway, there's this book by Peter Berger, I think is his name. But I still remember that book. And I like how long you think I've been to school? Did you think like, 40 years or something? I don't know. But anyway. But anyway, I read this book. And anyway, the premise of his book was that we all need a sacred canopy. We're all searching for security. We, we want to know that there's something some power or something looking out for us and protecting us. And we're under that sacred canopy, that sacred authority. I think that's so true. I think people in general, even people who say that they don't believe in God, they're still searching for something.


Yeah. That's a beautiful word picture of that canopy covering us and protecting us. Yeah, I like it. Yeah. So for our listeners that maybe have never been to church or don't really understand what we're talking about what exactly is salvation?

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Right. So, so, how can you How do I explain it? Let's explain it this way. Right. I think I think salvation is of course, us coming into the knowledge of what Jesus did on the cross, like how Jesus because of what he believed, Jesus was crucified because his belief that he came to help us to be reconciled with God. And you know, we we know that there were some people that didn't like that message. And he made a lot of enemies with that message, and he was crucified for that. So just knowing all Jesus went through so that we could be reconciled back to God. And that even though he was crucified, he, he's still alive. He's still well, he's God in the flesh. He's God, showing us how God deals with mankind, you know what I mean?

So, salvation is believing what Jesus did, all the persecution Jesus went through Jesus's messages to us, you know what I mean? That he is the way to get to the Heavenly Father that salvation, and when we believe that we are made right with God, right, you know, because all of us have a sin nature. We all love to sin. We all love our flesh. 

And so that very sin, nature will separate us from God, which is why Jesus preached so hard that hey, if you come to me, if you believe in me, it will present you before God the Father in heaven as if you've never sinned. So, to me, first thing, salvation saves us up from wrath, God being angry with us, because we are sinners. It puts us in this in this relationship with him that he sees us as righteous. Now, you know what I mean? He forgets like he forgets our sin, nature, and he sees us as righteous. So that's one aspect of salvation. 

But then I think there's another aspect of salvation. We are not only forgiving our sins, because we believe in Jesus, we're not only made right with God, because we believe in Jesus. But when we accept Jesus, we get the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit helps us deal with this sin that keeps trying to, you know, creep up and control things and, and the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, the Holy Spirit empowers us, so that we can say yes to the principles of God and no to the desires of the flesh. So I think we will talk about salvation. We talk about being right with God, but we also talk about the Holy Spirit that dwells in us, that allows us the ability to become like Jesus, you know what I mean? Cuz it's like death. It's like, it's the harder I try, I cannot be like, Jesus, you know what I mean? Yes. It's like, it's like, you know, like a great tennis player. Like, who's a great tennis player? I should know her. She has a sister, …Williams…. Yeah. You know, I mean, they were great tennis players. Well, I could try all day and all night. I could not play tennis like the Williams Sisters I couldn't do it. But if there was some kind of weird way, that their ability could come and live inside of me, then I could play like the Williams sisters. You're not I mean, and I think that's what the Holy Spirit does. He comes inside of us. And he gives us the ability to play like he plays to live like Jesus lived the love, like Jesus lives. So I think we have to look at those two things when we think about salvation.


And so it sounds pretty simple. Like all you have to do is believe that Jesus did this for us that He died on the cross for us and that he was raised from the dead and that he gives us this power just by our faith and trust in Him.

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Absolutely. Right. You know, we used to say, um, you know, especially when I'm having these conversations with people I not used to say I still say and I say chalices easiest ABC, just admit that you sent her You messed up and you need God believe in your heart, that Jesus is the way to the father that he died and he's alive and well interceding for us and they confess it tell somebody of your relationship with God and your belief in Jesus ABC girl that easy.


That makes it very easy because I know people that think that they have to do good things and that they have to essentially earn their way into heaven. But that's not true at all.

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

It is not girl and and I I mess up so much, Deb I don't think I could ever earn my way. Amen. I'm with you.


It seems like the harder I try the worse I get.

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Girl Yes, yes. Yes. We need the swear to god operating in us to help us.


So what would you say to a person who says and I've heard people say this. There are so many religions out there and don't all of them lead to God?

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

So what I what I say to them is that they're all avenues to people trying to find the true God. So I believe there's only one way to get to God, there may be different avenues that people try to figure it out, you know, they try to figure out who this God is. I tried to figure out who this God, God really is. But there's only one way. So maybe there are different roads that people go on to find an awakening of who God is. But there's only one road in to who God is. And that's through Jesus Christ. So I don't I don't I welcome conversations with people of other religions, because I feel like they're just searching like I did. I welcome those conversations. But in the end, there's only one way there's only one door. And that's the Jesus Christ.


Yes! So, you've been in ministry many years, and you have seen so many people's people who have come to Christ, where their lives have been completely transformed. Can you think of any specific stories that you would like to share with us of people whose lives that you've actually seen and known that have been completely transformed by them? Doing what you just said, accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior?

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Absolutely, man, there's so many. There's so many wonderful stories, but I'll tell you one that just came to my mind. There was a young lady in our church. years ago, she was a teen mom, on church girl tween a teen mom with twins, a teen mom with twins. And you could tell she was coming to our church because she was desperate. No hope you could just see that in her eyes. And she was in that service and get going. Those babies started acting out. I mean, they started crying, they wouldn't sit still. And you know how people in the church can be they were looking like Could you take could you handle with your children? Well, I saw her out the corner my eye. So I went to get the children, the two twins. I had six already so what’s two more? I took her children out. And I said, you know, Carolyn, you stay here, honey, you stay here Carolyn's her name. I said, baby, stay here. Let me take the children. Because I believe God has a word for you. 

And she had tears in her eyes. And she sat through that service. Well, that is the service that she gave her life to Christ. She gave her life to Christ. And the cool thing is, she's a single mom, Father, no, nowhere in sight. She gets connected with Jesus stays connected with our community of believers. And we all rallied around her the boys. I'm sure they would love to have been in relationship with their biological father. But there were so many men that came around them that mentored them, took them to football games, basketball games, help them with homework. Anyway, Carolyn felt the love of Christ in a way that totally changed her life. 

Carolyn today is the director of our teen parenting initiative. She designed that curriculum, she designed all the ministry for those girls. The program is so successful. And by the way, 98% of the teens that go through Carolyn's program, this teen parenting initiative. 98% of them go on no repeat pregnancies go on to college and are very productive human beings and wonderful moms 98% of the girls that that she mentors and takes to this program. Her program is so successful, that the county's judicial system found out about this teen pregnancy initiative and started referring all of their teens that came through the, through the system to Carolyn and to that program. And so she's making impact not only in our church, but she's out in the community now. So that is an example of someone who came to Christ and got connected it you know, integrate community with believers in her whole life changed. And now she's impacting young girls who are walking the same journey she had to walk. And introducing those girls to Christ early on. 

It's a pretty remarkable story. 



Wow, that is awesome. Because salvation is the entryway into eternal life and, and blessings even on this earth while we're still here. Yeah, getting connected to a church community where you can learn and grow and use the God given gifts that you have is just a powerful way to live life. It's Yeah, much better than before Christ. I call that BC for me. Before Christ and after Christ are two totally different things. 

So are there any final things that you would like to share with our listening audience about the topic of salvation?

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Um, yeah, I'm so glad you asked that. For those of us who know Christ, let's keep the conversations going about Christ. And let's slow down and realize that these conversations are so important. I know that we get a lot of statistics and a lot of information telling us that the church is declining on the decline, that people are closing their hearts to the gospel. And, and I do believe I get it, the Bible says that perilous times are going to come, men's hearts are gonna know what's called, they're gonna be lovers of themselves. And I and I get that and we see that. But research has also shown us that the very people that are walking away from God or not walking away from conversations about God. And so, if we look and we say, where people aren't coming to Jesus like they used to years ago, perhaps it's that we are too busy to have conversations with people about Jesus about salvation, as we did years ago. So my final words would be, let's have these conversations. And, and let's have conversations relationally where we're in relationship with, with people, and they can see Jesus live in us. But let's keep having salvation conversations are so important.


Yeah. I sense that some of our listeners today might be struggling with actually surrendering their heart to Christ. And they've heard what we've said, but they're still struggling. I would ask, would you please pray for those people that are struggling? As we close out our session today?

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Absolutely. It would be it would be my honor to pray. So, Father, there are people listening, and I totally agree with Deb that people are struggling with surrendering to you when Lord you know that reason some could be that they could be really persecuted if they come and confessional and yield their life to you. It may be the fear of the unknown. They don't know what that means. What will they have to give up? What does that What does living life with you look like? They have questions. But God you are the creator. You're the one who created the heavens, you created the earth you, You created us and surely you understand their struggles and how they're perplexed and question. So Father, I pray that for everyone listening, that questions, your ability to love them that questions that you are the true God. I pray that God in your way, in your supernatural way, that you let them know that you love them, that you care for them, that they can be made right with you let them know that it doesn't matter what they've ever done in life, that you love them and desire to make them whole and right with you so that they can live with you return. In Jesus name. Amen.


Amen and Amen. Thank you, First Lady for sharing from your heart about the most important decision a person will ever make in their life. And that is, whether or not they choose to surrender to Jesus. So thank you again for being with us today.

First Lady Trina Jenkins 

Thank you for having me. I love you.


I love you too.

Don't go away. We'll be right back.



We just heard a powerful message from First Lady Trina Jenkins about what salvation is, and why it is so important. If you accepted Christ, as your Lord and Savior today, as a result of this message, we want to hear from you. Please visit my website at And let me know about your decision for Christ so I can share that with our special guest. And we can encourage you and support you with the next steps in your faith. 

Now my prayer for you today is that God would grant you according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your heart through faith, and that you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints, what is the width, and length, and depth and height. To know the love of Christ, which passes all knowledge that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now, to him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to him. Be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever and ever. Amen. 

Stay tuned for our next episode of transformed by the word where we will explore the topic. Why should I forgive?


Thank you for listening to transformed by the word with your host Debora Barr Be sure Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play and connect with us at Until next time, be blessed.