Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
75 - In All Things Praise the Lord
Rebroadcast of Episode 25
If you need God's presence close to you today, just begin to praise him. When we praise God, we take the focus off ourselves, and we turn all our attention and our affections to him. He loves to inhabit our praises, and he loves to have a close abiding relationship with his people. Listen in as Debora interviews Carol Williams as she shares how she has continued to praise God in a new season of her life, and how He has blessed her, and how you can experience the same!
Stay tuned for our next episode where we will explore – Sharing What God Has Done For You.
Engage with Debora Barr at https://tbtwpodcast.com/
Welcome to transformed by the word, a podcast about discovering how to live your life with gratifying purpose. God created you for a reason and the Bible contains the keys to unlock your transformed life. Now, here's your host, Debora Barr
Debora 0:26
Thanks for joining me for Episode 25 of Transformed by the Word.
Our focus is on praising the Lord in all things. to praise the Lord means to lift him up with our words, to call on Him, to recognize his greatness, to recognize his name, to give credit to his worthiness, and to admit proper fear before him, and to praise His Word. God is worthy of our praise and adoration. No matter what we face in life, the Bible says that God inhabits or dwells in the presence and the praises of his people.
If you need God's presence close to you today, just begin to praise him. When we praise God, we take the focus off of ourselves, and we turn all of our attention and our affections to him. He loves to inhabit our praises, and he loves to have a close abiding relationship with his people.
The Bible reveals to us a number of different expressions of praise - things that we can do with our body including kneeling down or bowing, lifting our hands, or praising God was singing and instrument, instrumental music, or we can dance before the Lord or shout joyfully to the Lord. The most important thing about praise is not necessarily how you do it, but that your heart is in a posture of praise.
Today, I've invited a special guest to our show, who has learned to praise the Lord in the good times and in the troubling times. Her name is Carol Williams, and she's been a longtime prayer partner of mine since 2009 when we met in a discipleship program at our church.
Carol has served as a team lead in the evangelism ministry as a membership coordinator, functioning as an evangelism altar counselor, an intercessor as part of the women's ministry team, along with being a member of the First Baptist Church of Glenarden combined choir. She serves as a master sergeant in the United States Army Reserves, where she has been for 32 years.
Carol considers herself a marketplace Christian, with a purpose to make the Lord's name great by putting into practice Matthew 5:16 that reads, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Carol accepted the Lord as her personal Savior in March of 1990. From the time she established a true relationship with Jesus, she has been involved in a prayer ministry and is an intercessor. Her prayer as of late is, Lord, give me your ear, because you can trust me with your heart. In fact, in June 2016, the Lord led her to begin a prayer conference call with each letter of the word prayer, standing for pray regularly, and yield extraordinary results.
Carol has two favorite scriptures. The first is Isaiah 48:17. This is what the Lord says, Your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. I am the Lord your God who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. The second one is Isaiah one, verse 19. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land. Obedience is God's love language, a language that Carol makes every effort to speak.
Stay tuned. We'll be back in just a moment.
5:36 Debora
Hey, Carol, it is so awesome to connect with you.
Hi, Debora, it's so nice to be able to connect with you as well. I'm so delighted to be here. And thank you for asking me to be a part of your podcast today.
5:46 Debora
Absolutely. It's so good to see you.
Today, as you know, we're discussing the importance of praising God and all things in both the good and the difficult things that we face in life and I was wondering if you would share with our listeners this morning, how you came to faith in Jesus Christ, and what a difference that is made in your life.
6:09 Carol
Well, thank you for asking that question, Debora.
So for me, I accepted Christ by grace through faith in March of 1990. It was at New Life Fellowship Church in Rochester, New York, a little small, red brick church on a residential street. I had been looking for a church My mother always taught us regardless of what we did that Saturday night, up in church on Sunday.
So I went there one time and just felt the draw to join to become a member. Upon becoming a member, we had to go through new membership classes. Well, during the third class Minister Kimbrel, the facilitator, asked Is there anybody here who does not know the Lord and would like to receive him as personal Savior, I and some other people raise their hands. That was the day, I invited the Lord into my life.
New Life fellowship is where I received all of my spiritual foundation as a babe in Christ. So the Lord has made a significant difference in my life, man, this may be or sound a bit cliche ish. However, I really don't know where I would be, or what I would be doing if I did not have the Lord in my life.
So my relationship with him, it keeps me grounded. Not to mention it keeps me sane. So life, has not been a better roses. So as the Lord and I journey together, yet, so when wounded by those stories of life, my relationship with him, it definitely brings me through. So I thank God for the relationship that I have with Jesus Christ.
7:56 Debora
Me too, I think about it sometimes what my life was before I surrendered to Him. And it was so very different than it is now. And the things that I've faced since accepting him. It's like he knew that I needed him. Because the things that I've faced, since I made that decision have been so much more tolerable because he's there with me.
8:22 Carol
Yes, I agree with that.
8:25 Debora
Now, I know that you've been involved in intercessory prayer for a long time, and I'm wondering, what role does praise have to do with intercession?
8:38 Carol
First of all, I became involved in intercessory prayer at New Life. New Life used to have 7am prayer during the week, it was led by Minister Laura Robinson, she would strongly encourage the attendees to pray. And oh boy, Debora, was I nervous about that thing? I remember asking God to make me bold and courageous. So really, that was my first introduction. Over time, though, I attended workshops at new life, also had frequent periods of corporate prayer and fasting. I can honestly say that in the three churches where I have been a member, I have been involved in intercessory prayer. intercessory prayer is the highest form of prayer of prayer. It takes the focus off of view and places it on others, and I have to say this, and it might be a little morbid, yet. I want said about me, that when she prayed, the Lord heard, and he responded.
9:45 Debora
And Praise, praise. How does that intersect intersect with intercessory prayer?
9:52 Carol
Well, I'm going to tell you this in a nutshell, I was listening to a message by Pastor Bill Winston And what he said, he said this prayer since angels praise since God, man resonated with me so much, because you know, whatever we want God to be our advocate, we want God to do our bidding. We want God to fight our battles to conquer and defend, as well as intervene, to bring forth when he declares is the victory. So that's how praise intersects with intercession.
10:33 Debora
Yes, there's a scripture that says that God inhabits the praises of his people. Yeah. And I know for a fact, when we get together, even our prayer group, and we praise the Lord, that we can feel his powerful presence with us.
Yes, absolutely. And I'm just so delighted that we're able to connect on a regular basis and intercede on behalf of others and ourselves.
Now, you said something a few minutes ago about when you first started learning about prayer, I remember in my church in West Virginia, not knowing what prayer was, I really didn't understand what it was how to do it. And so I would go to these prayer meetings, just to learn how to pray and I would pray in my head, Please, God, don't call on me. Please don't let any of them asked me to pray out loud. Because I didn't know what to say. But being around more mature people that had been in prayer for years and years, I learned so much from them. Yes. And I noticed that every single person's prayer to God, their their language, the words they choose the posture they choose. It's unique to them. Yes. And it's so wonderful.
11:53 Carol
Well, for new believers in Christ, folks that maybe don't really understand praise, we've been talking about it. They might think praise is just singing songs in church, you know, because we say these are praise songs or this is praise and worship time in the service. How else can we praise God day to day?
12:14 Carol
Well, that's a good question Debora. I actually looked up the word praise, when we praise it is the good thing. It is to boast. It is to shout out both in joy and in fear or dread, as well as make music. So Psalm chapter 28, verse seven reads, The Lord is my strength, and my end, penetrative bow shield, my heart trust, with unwavering confidence in him, and I am helped. Therefore, my heart greatly rejoices. And with my song, I shall thank him and praise Him. That's the Amplified Version.
So how we praise God day to day is to be thankful that as his children, he gives us breath in our body. He keeps the blood flowing through our veins, we thank Him for His provision, perhaps ever, we are not where we would like to be. The fact that we are still here on Earth offers the opportunity for us to achieve it, to be it and to receive it. So the other thing is, we can boast of the goodness of the Lord. We call that as children, how he brought us through difficult and stressful situations. So I have a God's handiwork or gratitude journal where I capture the goodness of the Lord. And you want to know Debora as his children, we are dealing with challenging situations. It is either God sent or God allowed, which everyone it is, there's a reason for it. So the situations, whether good or bad, allows us to grow spiritually, and to be an encouragement to someone else who is going through something similar.
14:23 Debora
That's so true. So true. Speaking kind of along that vein, can you share with the listeners a time in your life? Maybe when things didn't go the way you expected or you planned? And how your praise to God turn that situation around for your good?
14:42 Carol
Well, I sure can. And right now, in my life, Debora, and what I mean is that at this juncture in life, I'm in a holding pattern. So with you being a pilot, I imagine you are quite familiar. With that meeting, yes. So for the listening audience, I'm going to define it. a holding pattern is when the crew is instructed to continue flying while awaiting clearance to land. It is a state of waiting, or suspended activity or progress.
So if you would allow me just to give a little background, and I'll answer your question, I quit my job and I relocated from the DMV, and that's not the Department of Motor Vehicles that is Washington, DC, Maryland, the Virginia area in October 2020. The join my husband in Grand Junction, Colorado, in April 2020. My husband accepted to Taplin position at the veterans affair Medical Center. Now I am in the seventh month, and I have not been able to secure full time employment. It has been very challenging for me. As far as I can remember, this is the first time since high school that I have not worked or been enrolled in higher education, which for me, translates into doing something productive and meaningful. It has been hard not earning a steady salary shift Debora even going to school full time completing two masters degrees, I received steady income because I received a stipend from both right.
So the title today is in all things, Praise the Lord. So I looked up that word in in the Greek and the Webster dictionary, and you know what it means? It means in means space, place, position, state, relation, and within. So for me this means and whatever space emotionally, mentally, whatever place position, state of mind relationship, and whatever is happening within to praise the Lord. Okay. Yeah. So very quickly, just let me explain. First, in whatever space emotional or mental praise the Lord, I recall being on a conference call, attempting to share about the goodness of the Lord, how he is providing and making ways out of no way. And while I was sharing, my voice quivered, and my eyes begin to well up, and I said to listeners, please pardon me, I don't know where that came from. And I said, I guess this season is weighing on me more than I thought, but get this.
The next day, I was reading my devotion. And the Lord spoke through it stating, quiet your soul, mind will and emotions. You cannot be refreshed as long as you are still anxious and fretting. Calm down, and trust me with your life. Man, this scripture that went with that is Zachariah chapter two, verse 13, and I'm going to read it in the Amplified and it reads, be still before the Lord, all mankind, for the Lord is raised up from his holy habitation in response to his persecuted people. And so secondly, in whatever place or position, praise the Lord for me, I'm in Grand Junction, Colorado, a new place, and an unemployed status coming from earning a pretty good salary to no salary.
19:00 Debora
Okay. And yet, you're still eating you are doing well.
19:07 Carol
So understanding in these particular times, I know I'm not alone. I know that. Yeah, personally speaking. This is different. And it has been a major adjustment yet Debora, I believe his word. And His Word says in Psalm 139, eight, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. And Jeremiah, chapter five, won a race before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. So Debora the Lord knows. I trust him with my life because our father knows what's best. And the third thing is in whatever state of mind, relationship or internal dealings, pray The Lord, for me, with less years before me than what is behind me, my state of mind is Lord, I trust you have a place for me to be your hands, feet and mouthpiece. I believe that I am here to be able to serve God by serving people in the marketplace, their neighborhood and in the community because the Lord is relational. And it's about relationships, right, Debora?
Knowing that, as I wait for the landing, and the door to open, the Lord is working in me, and on me to prove me that when I look in the mirror, the reflection looking back is that of Christ. So Debora, you know what, I'm going to say this. I imagined, perhaps that many of us are in a holding pattern. And as a reminder, a holding pattern is when the crew is instructed to continue flying, while awaiting clearance to land and be released. It is a state of waiting. So I dare ask the listeners. Are you praising the Lord in the holding pattern? And what are you doing while you're in that holding pattern suspended, waiting to get clearance for that door to open, whatever that door is? Well, and all things praise the Lord because there are benefits to being in a holding pattern.
And to answer your question, these six are how praising God is turning the situation around for my good.
22:00 Carol
Number one, it moves me closer to the Lord. I build spiritual muscle by memorizing meditating on scripture, and developing a more steady prayer life. Psalm chapter nine, verse 10, The Lord has never forsaken those who diligently seek Him. Those who trust in him will never be abandoned.
Number two, deliverance takes place. I begin to see my true self. He pulls back the onion so I can see the things that stink and traits their own that are unbecoming as his child. So in Second Corinthians, chapter one, verse 10, it reads, he has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again on him, we have set a hope that he will continue to deliver us.
Third, I've developed academically and professionally by sharpening my skills and developing new ones. Romans chapter 12, verse two reads, do not conform to the parents of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Number four, I've been pushed out of my comfort zone to explore new opportunities, moving me from the familiar to the unfamiliar. And Isaiah 42, Chapter 42 verse 16, read, I will leave the blind by ways they have not known a lot along unfamiliar paths, I will guide them, I will turn darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do, I will not forsake them.
Number five, I've learned to be vulnerable when I connect to helpful resources. In doing so I expose the hurts and I share the struggles. vulnerability in a safe place is framed not just for the individual, but for others. And second Corinthians chapter six verses 11 through 13 reads, we have spoken freely to you Corinthians and open wide our hearts to first 12 We are not holding we are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. verse 30 as a fair exchange, Open wide your hearts also.
And lastly, number six, I come to know that Jesus Christ is my true source who provides all of my resources, everything we need, he provides and supplies Philippians four, verse 19 states, and my God will liberally supply your every need, according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus.
So there are those are some benefits that I personally have experienced, while in this season of weight, and I believe can be outcomes for others. The last seven months have not been easy yet. In all, and through it all. I do praise the Lord and you want to know why is because of my relationship with the Lord. It keeps me brought it does it keeps me grounded. As I said earlier, I talk and spend time with him every day, throughout the day. So I bless him, and I thank him for all that he's doing in my life right now.
26:20 Debora
Wow. That's amazing. So what would you say to someone who's listening to us right now, who's undecided about whether to surrender their heart to Jesus? They've heard about him, but they're not sure they're willing to take that leap of faith? What would you say to them?
26:41 Carol
Let's see. I would say to the listening audience, you may be in a holding pattern. Feeling uncertain about tomorrow, dealing with troubling, unsettling circumstances. The one who sees me through is the same person who is able to see you through and His name is Jesus Christ. I'm going to end with this. I'm reminded of King Joseph that story. And Second Chronicles chapter 20, verses one through 29. I won't read it because it's a little long. yet. I encourage the listeners to please read Second Chronicles chapter 20, verses one through 29. This is a summary of the story. King Jehoshaphat had a problem. he panicked. King, Jehoshaphat, he prayed. The Lord provided a plan. King Jehoshaphat that he paused, and the crew praised in the midst of the problem. The Lord fulfilled his promise by bringing them through. And they ended up with a lot of plunder. Amen. Amen.
28:14 Debora
I love that story.
28:17 Carol
So the net is an all things praise the Lord, for in the end, there is a promised land right here on earth. And I was listening to a podcast. Sarah, Jake's Roberts podcast, she had a guest on there. And the guest said something that resonated with me. The guest said, we have to learn to wait Well, for waiting is never in vain, but on purpose for our purpose. Hmm. So that's what I would say to your listening audience.
29:03 Debora
Carol, would you take a moment and just pray for our listeners?
29:08 Carol
Absolutely. Thank you, Debora.
Lord, as we come before you today, we thank you for everyone who has listened to this podcast. We pray that something was said to encourage to motivate, to deliver, to strengthen, to lift up to offer hope and to increase faith. In whatever stage of life we find ourselves in. We pray, Lord, for those who don't know you, that they may come to accept you as Lord and personal Savior. We pray for those who are in flux regarding their relationship with you to be fully committed to serve you. And we pray for those who are fully committed to you to remain steady. bask in the relationship. So Lord, show yourself strong and mighty, and meet each person where they are as we trust in you. And we learn to wait well, knowing that situations and circumstances are either God sent, or God allowed an every experience, whether good or not so good is not a wasted experience, but on purpose for our purpose and Jesus name. Amen.
30:33 Debora
Don't go away. We'll be right back after this short break.
31:19 Debora
We just heard from Carol Williams, how to praise God in the midst of whatever place you might find yourself in. She talked about being in a holding pattern, and yet praising the Lord. We are to praise the Lord all day long. Psalm 113, verse three says, from the rising of the sun, to the setting, the Lord's name is to be praised.
Make praise a regular part of your worship of God every day. Another thing Carol said, is about the importance of her personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and what a difference that has made in her life. If you have never taken that step of faith, and surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, you can do that right now. For it is by faith, that we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. And if you are ready to place your trust in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and receive the forgiveness of all of your sins.
Won’t you pray this prayer with me?
God, I confess that I'm a sinner, and I need Jesus in my life. I repent of my sins and I turn to you. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, He was buried and rose from the dead. And I accept this by faith. And I invite Jesus to be Lord of my life, to reign and rule in my heart from this day forward. Thank you for forgiving me and saving me. Amen.
If you just made a decision for Christ, I would love to hear from you. Please visit my website at TBTWPodcast.com and click the link to let me know about your decision for Jesus so that I can encourage you and support you.
My prayer for you today is that you will purpose in your heart to praise God every day. Despite whatever circumstances you might find yourself in. That you will draw God into what you are facing today. Because we know that God inhabits the praises of his people.
Stay tuned for our next episode of transformed by the word where we will discuss sharing what God has done for you.
Announcer 34:06
Thank you for listening to transformed by the word with your host Debora Barr, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play and connect with us at TBTWPodcast.com. Until next time, be blessed.