Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
83 - Spiritual Gifts and Calling
Rebroadcast of Episode 33
Spiritual Gifts and Calling. God has given every believer spiritual gifts that are to be used to serve in His kingdom here on earth. Debora interviews Reverend Josephine Miller who explains the various passages in the Bible that talk about Spiritual Gifts, and how to recognize yours and how to use them. They also discuss calling and how God calls people and gives them an assignment and a mission in life.
Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss – Your Life’s Purpose
Connect with Rev. Josephine Miller on Hear the Word Tuesdays at noon eastern time by connecting with her on Facebook Live at Josephine A Miller, or Youtube Live at Reverend Josephine A Miller, or you can call in on the conference line at 605-313-4255 with access code 3475552
Engage with Debora Barr at https://tbtwpodcast.com/
Welcome to transformed by the word, a podcast about discovering how to live your life with gratifying purpose. God created you for a reason and the Bible contains the keys to unlock your transformed life. Now, here's your host, Debora Barr
Debora 0:27
Thanks for joining me for Episode 33 of Transformed by the Word.
Before I get started today, I want to just say thank you to every one of you who regularly tunes into the new episodes that come out every other Tuesday morning. Thank you for listening. And I pray that you are growing in your relationship with the Lord.
Today, our topic is spiritual gifts and calling. What has God graced you with? And what has he called you to do for his kingdom here on Earth? Every believer in Jesus Christ has been given a gift from the Holy Spirit, and we're supposed to use those gifts to serve others.
1 Peter 4:10 says, as each one has received a gift, Minister it to one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Today I've invited a special guest to the show to talk about spiritual gifts and calling. Her name is Reverend Josephine Miller, and I have first met Reverend Jo, as we affectionately call her, when we were serving together in prison ministry.
Reverend Miller is a preacher a teacher, and a sought-after seminar retreat and conference speaker. Her diverse experience as a youth director, and advisor to the Alpha and Omega Christian fellowship at the University of the District of Columbia, a Sunday school teacher and as a community Bible study teacher, enhances her ability to relate to people of all ages. For 10 years, she served as the primary Bible study teacher and the team leader for the Jessup prison ministry at Maryland correctional institution for women. The Lord has provided opportunities for her to preach the gospel in the Caribbean, Canada, Cuba, and the United States. She is currently the Director of the life builders at First Baptist Church of Glenarden, which is an encouragement coaching ministry, where she provides encouragement to hurting people from a biblical perspective. And her personal ministry, Jesus's Anointed Ministries provides hope, help and healing to hurting people. She's a certified life coach, motivational speaker, facilitator and negotiator. Her passions are helping people overcome, reach their destiny, and be all that God designed them to be.
Stay tuned. We'll be back in just a moment.
Debora 4:10
Hi, Reverend Jo, it is such an honor to see us such a such a blessing to be with you today and have you share with our listeners.
Josephine 4:27
Hi, Reverend Debora it is more than an honor to me! So thankful. Thank you for inviting me. I really am honored to be here to serve just today.
Debora 4:29
I love bringing in people with such wisdom to share and I'm grateful for you. I just read your bio a few moments ago and just wanted the listeners to learn from you a bit about your personal salvation experience and how you've grown to under understand how God has gifted you for service.
Josephine 4:48
Well, way back when I was back in, I was around eight years old. I think it was 1957 I accepted Jesus in my heart. And I was baptized. Although I know baptism doesn't save you, but I was, and I knew what I believed. When I accepted the Lord, that later on in life, I fell into a lot of traps. I believe they are as a result of some things that happened in my life. While I was young, I was molested by my mother's boyfriend and abandoned by my father. Not to say it was their fault. But oftentimes we fall into traps because of our pain. And so, I fell into a backslidden state, and I fell into the sex trap and alcohol drugs, mainly marijuana. I tried cocaine one time, and I knew then that I could not do cocaine because really get become addicted.
But I think that I was saved without clear understanding. And that happens to a lot of us, we accept Jesus, but I'm not clear on the understanding that he died, he was buried, and he rose again for us. And one afternoon some friends invited me over, they were stark vegetarians. When I went over, they were frying chicken. I understand like, what, why? What is going on over here, they had a conference call by a lady named Katherine Coleman. And they had received Jesus into their hearts. And they shared salvation with me, they was excited to share that, and they brought a clearer understanding to what I already had, and began to walk into things about later, I got re-baptized, just as to seal that. But it all restored my fellowship with the Lord, I know that I didn't, that I know now and understand clearly that I never lost relationship, but it was restored my fellowship.
Debora 7:23
That's wonderful. Sometimes we don't know what we have. I mean, you can accept the Lord. But if you're never taught exactly what that means, and what the next steps are, you may be stuck in that state for a long time. And I hope none of our listeners are there. But if you are, I hope that maybe this message will help you to move out of that state of just understanding or just knowing how God has, what he's given you, and what we're to do with it.
Our topic today is spiritual gifts and calling. And I know there's three main chapters in the Bible that talk about spiritual gifts, and each one has a little bit different. Take, so to speak on this. And those chapters are Romans chapter 12. First Corinthians chapter 12, and Ephesians chapter four, would you share with the listeners a bit about the difference between these different passages and what is being conveyed in them regarding spiritual gifts?
Josephine 8:25
Well, Romans chapter 12, we have what's called motivational gifts. While they are all spiritual gifts, these specifically, we call them our motivational gifts, because they are the gifts that drive us. They cause us to do a lot of the things we do in serving. And these gifts are given to us. Of course, all of them are given to us by God. But Paul talks in Romans about not being conformed to the world, he starts back in the first chapter, first verse, that chapter is he says, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable under God, which is your reasonable service or your reasonable act of worship and, and not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good, what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.
I believe God was telling us at that time that we needed to be different. And then he goes on though, to tell us Paul talks about us being dealt, measure, a measure of faith, each of us having been doubt, a measure of faith, and that's not salvation, faith, but that faith is the amount of faith that's required to use our gifts effectively. Okay, so now each believer has one of these gifts. Every believer has a motivational and the motivational gifts are prophecy. It tells us let's look at that fourth verse, a fifth verse actually says, so we being many are one body, in Christ and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given us, let us use them. If prophecy let us prophesy in proportion about to our faith, or ministry, let us use it in our ministry even teach us in teaching, he who exhorts, in exhortation, and he who gives with liberality, and he who leads with diligence, he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness, well, if you notice how God can have Paul talk about the gifts, just like the body, we are many members, you know, but we are all one body. And so we have different gifts, and the different gifts I use to edify and strengthen and courage and help in the kingdom of God. For the benefit of the kingdom of God.
Debora 11:13
Yeah, if people aren't using their gift, it's like having a lame arm, or a lame leg or something, because God has gifted each one to use together with the others to serve. And if you have a gift, and you're not using it, you're actually causing that part of the body to not function properly,
Josephine 11:34
It takes all of us working together for the body to function. Now, with these gifts, all gifts should be brought under the umbrella of control of the Holy Spirit, we need to be filled, filled with the Spirit control and our descriptive title is in Ephesians be be being filled - it's an ongoing process. So we have to be filled to continue to serve in the gifts that God has given us.
Now, in this chapter, I also believe that they are gifts that can be abused by others, actually, we all can abuse ourselves. But if they are brought under the control of his spirit, they are more apt not to be abused. There are three that I believe others, abused people with the gifts, and that's the gift of ministry or serving, the gift of giving and the gift of mercy. The people that have the gift, the service and somebody knows, they may not know that that's their gift, but they know that they will do and they just keep on and on and on and on, on using that. And using the idea of Mary, would you do this? Shirley would you do this? Shirley would you do that? Would you get my coat? Would you get would you pick that up? Would you do just little things to that abuses them. And that's why it's important that it's brought under the control of the Holy Spirit, then, then there's the one with the gift of giving, who will give away anything may even give away to rent, or mortgage payment, or an electric money to pay the electric bill. But they needed it. But that person has a heart to just give and people take from them. Yes. And so, they have to be very careful to listen to God's voice, even in the giving LISTEN to the Holy Spirit and bring it under his control.
And then there is the gift of mercy. Who has compassion they let people get away with just about anything. And I always like to say that the mother you know she loves her son. And he can do no wrong she has the gift, the mercy so, she enables her child. And then there's the supervisor who enables his employee by letting them be late over and over and over again or late on an assignment over and over and over again and make excuses for them. So that's why it's so significant and any of the other gifts that you bring them under the control the holy spirit. Yes. Now the difference in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 - Romans 12 identifies these gifts as spiritual gifts. And they give that the manifestation and spirit is given to each one for the profit of all they're given. All gifts are given for the profit or the body or the benefited by the Christ. But this was typically speak to the prophet or any near the vessel can be used in either one of these gifts. Because the Holy Spirit works all of these gifts, distributing to each one individually as He wills.
So, all it takes is a yielded vessel for him to operate in a person with the gifts, the spiritual gifts, this is coming in chapter 12, with the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, the gift of prophecy, the gifts of healing, the gift of tongues, interpretation of tongues, all of those gifts operate as the spirit wills.
I can remember in my life, being used in an assembly once to interpret tongues, prophecy that was given in tongues, and it was really very strange. Like God just almost like pushed me out of my seat, to stand up and say what the interpretation was. So if you are yielded vessel, God will use you at any time in any of these gifts.
Now, now, so we've seen the motivational gifts, and we look, look at the spiritual gifts, even in the end of that chapter as well. It says, are all teachers are all prophets, are all workers of miracles? You all have gifts, healings, you all speak with tongues, do all interpret No, no, no, no. But honestly, the best gifts. Okay. But I show you a more excellent way. And he goes right on into 1 Corinthians 13 that though I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels and have not charity, or have not loved it profiteth me nothing.
So what was happening there is that the gifts are given to be used by God, as He wills and to be used in love and not perverted, if you will, to self. Tony Evans said that the spiritual gift is a God given an empowered ability to serve Him in ways that benefit others. Okay. It is for the good the good of all. And not for selfish reasons. Many people that God uses with the gifts, get puffed up.
Debora 17:36
Yeah, they think it's all about them. And they don't realize that this is you're just a yielded vessel, and God is working through you. This is not something that is generated from you.
Josephine 17:47
Yes, yes. So it's He that that works in you both to will and to have his good pleasure. Now the difference in these gifts and Ephesians chapter four is he talks about he gave gifts to minister. Wherefore he says in the eighth verse, he said, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men with those gifts that he gave. You found in 11. First, it says, and he gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, and he gave them for the perfecting, or the building of the saints, and for the work of the ministry, and the edifying of the body of Christ.
So those are offices in the church, everybody does not have an office in the church, but those are offices in the church. And so those gifts are also as I would say, as the spirit wills, but they are gifts to the body to be used. And that's the difference in those three different chapters that talks about the gifts.
Debora 19:08
Yeah, thank you so much for breaking that down. I think that's very, very helpful. How can a person discover what gift or gifts that God has given them as they, you know, are realizing what gifts God has actually placed within them to use in the body of Christ?
Josephine 19:29
Well, one, they want to begin to look at being new believers or growing in the things of God they want to begin looking at their life, okay. At you know, in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and what, what they gravitate towards, in terms of bit their interests, you know, you know, like, what, what, like, what, what's their niche in serving the community of God. And people beyond, you know, what seems to be their passion, if you will. Like for example, some have a knack of teaching the Bible, while others find themselves in a large capacity of offering hospitality. So, for the one that has the knack of teaching the Bible study, to show yourself approved unto God. A workman need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, begin teaching Sunday school, or assisting somebody with Sunday school that you can grow, and develop and teach yourself. And then there's the one with the gift of hospitality and serving, find places that you can serve, you can help out and do things. But I like to say do now which know now to do. And with God as you do as you continue to do it, he strengthens you and you grow day by day.
Debora 21:06
It almost sounds like how a person's wired, they may have always been good at that thing. And once they surrender their hearts to the Lord, God wants them to use that thing that gift that the way that he wired them in service to others.
Josephine 21:25
Also, to learn how to discover your gift. There are spiritual gift classes, you can find out and learn more specifically what your gift is. And then there are tests. There are some online tests that you can take for free, which gives you more of an idea or reaffirm to you what's your call to do or what your gifts are.
Debora 21:51
Yeah, that's a good point, I have done some of those online tests before and they don't cost anything, you just Google it and find them and do those tests. And that will really help you to understand so that you can learn and grow. Now when we hear someone say that God has called me to do something, or I'm talking about our calling, can you explain what that means?
Josephine 22:16
Well, although God may choose to manifest a gift through someone over a span of a lifetime, thereby limiting limit, that calling to some specific task, when you're called is to a specific task, you know, the gifts that we just talked about operate in just various areas. But when you have a calling is to a specific task. God may also choose to manifest the gift within that calling. For a particular time or place. callings are, for example, the there's a call to pastor a call to teach a call to evangelism. They are gifts, but God calls them to a specific task. Or you can be called to save in the corporate world. nurses and doctors I believe are called to serve people to help people heal God gives them wisdom and guidance. People are called to even be I like I call the male engineer, custodial engineers, I still call them janitors. But they're called to serve in that way. Any do them. They call them the events team at our church. And they are some of them that you know that God has placed them in that area. It may not be all that he caused them to do. But they know that and they love doing it. And they do it in an excellent manner.
Debora 24:08
So yeah, they're filled with joy. And it's almost like call calling might be equated to an assignment like God has given you a specific assignment in life. And it can be a short-term thing or a long term thing.
Josephine 24:20
Yes, yes. I tell them also to look at those that were called in the Scripture, you know, to look at Jeremiah was called as young boy. And he said, God told him he knew him before he was in his mother's womb. There's a chapter in Luke that they can look at to where God called them, called the disciples. And then there is Samuel, whom God call and even Samuel was named meaning the one who hears God. He went to Eli Eli three times that he laughs and as you know, as I said, in just our language, not that I didn't call you. You know God called Jesus. So next time tell him Here am I, then it's Moses who got called to deliver people. And there's Deborah, who was called as a judge to, to help her people as there was success was due to her faith in God. And she served God by utilizing the values and spiritual gifts, due to her faith, that are called her, a woman to lead his people to victory, you know, during biblical times, a lady in the Old Testament, God call to be a prophetess. And then there was Esther was called to deliver people. And Mary was called to deliver Jesus,
the thing I love about all these people is they you wouldn't suspect that God would call them so God can call and use anybody that he wants to!
Josephine 26:11
Yes, because you know, he called, called Paul, when he was a hater of Christians. And that's right, and can, you know, killing and condemning Christians, and God stopped him and called him so it's God that works in you both the will and to do of His good pleasure. So, he calls whom he chooses to do whatever he chooses?
Debora 26:36
Yes, he does. Well, what can we do as believers to grow in the gifts that God has given us and in the calling that he has on our lives? What can we do to grow in this area?
Josephine 26:49
Well, you want to develop your relationship with God, you want to really draw near to God and really spend time with him, and learn of him, because he's the one that gave the gift. So, he's the one that can instruct you in that area. Also, you want to seek direction from the Holy Spirit, you want to listen to the voice of God to you, what he's designed for you to do.
I read a graphic that came to me on a text the other day, say, when you pray, God listens – when you listen, God talks - and when you believe God works, you got to believe what God has called you to do. And I would love people to understand that you got to pray, pray, pray. That is really a key. Be a yeilded vessel, walk by faith, not by sight, not by how great you think you are, can do. But just walk by faith, not by sight, because God had told us greater works, shall you do? and study out example, Jesus is our example. He had every gift.
Debora 28:16
Yes. Another thing I think is important is if you believe you have a specific gift, and you want to learn and grow and that is find someone else that is already operating in that gift, and absolutely come alongside and learn from them, ask questions and hang around and learn from them.
Josephine 28:34
Absolutely, but we also have to remember that no gift is exactly alike in any individual. So, we have to be careful in that, that we don't try to mimic someone else but we do as God needs us to do.
Debora 28:54
Yeah, that's a good point. I understand that you are starting a new Bible study on Facebook. And I wanted to have you share a little bit about that with our audience and how they can connect with you if they're interested in joining that Tuesday Bible study.
Josephine 29:12
Well, the name of the ministry is Jesus's anointed ministries. JAMin and Bible study or it is called Hear the Word Tuesdays, and it will be held every Tuesday at 12 noon beginning October 5. You'll be able to link to it on Facebook Live Josephine A Miller YouTube Live Reverend Josephine A Miller and also we will have conference call. And that number is 605-313-4255 with access code 3475552.
Debora 30:01
That's excellent, we will, I will definitely put those links and the phone number for the conference, call up on my website and make sure that we have that information available for those who would like to join you in that.
Before I let you go, is there anything else that you would like to share with our listeners about this topic of spiritual gifts and calling?
Josephine 30:25
Well, all gifts have two things in common. I would say in common. One, they are gifts from God, and to the given to build up the kingdom of God and glorify God. And I would also like to say that we need to remember the giver. JOHN 3:16 says, That God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life - love has to give. So out of that love, God gave his very best, and we are to give our very best and so don't forget the ultimate gift. Is Jesus Christ.
Debora 31:17
Yes, yes, yes. Would you pray for our listeners who have been listening to this message today? And maybe they've realized the gifts that God has given them, and maybe even reaffirmed the call that he has on their lives? And they haven't yet stepped out in faith to exercise those gifts? Would you pray for them today?
Josephine 31:43
Certainly. Father, we love you. We bless your name, we exhort you, we explore you, grade are you low worthy of below? grade are you worthy of honor? Great Are you worthy of praise and we give you glory, give you honor, we give you praise. We thank you that your loving kindness is better than life. So our lips praise you Hallelujah, and lift our hands in your name. And we thank you God that in you, we live and move and have our being come before you in specific now to lift up those that are listening to this podcast. We thank you for each person and all that you have designed and call them to be - God that you would stir up the gifts within them, guide them and direct them, encourage their hearts that this sharing today, encourage them to move forward and the things that you've called them to do and be to edify and strengthen and encourage and up, build the kingdom of God. So, we glorify you and exhort you and extraordinary for the victory in every area of each of their lives. Show them the way to learn more about you and what you've designed them to do. Thank you right now also for our having this time together. In Jesus name, Amen.
Debora 33:17
Amen. Don't go away. We'll be right back after this short break.
Debora 34:04
We just heard from Reverend Josephine Miller about spiritual gifts given by God to his people for the purpose of serving others. She also talked about how to know what God has called you for the assignment that He has for your life. I pray that this message encourages you to spend time in prayer seeking God's will for your life, and if you are not already serving with the spiritual and motivational gifts that he has imparted to you, that you will make a change and step out on faith and to begin to serve.
Reverend Miller also shared how you can connect with her on Tuesdays at noon Eastern Time for a time of Bible study and edification. Connect with her on Facebook Live at Josephine A Miller or YouTube Live at Reverend Josephine A Miller or you can call in on the conference line that she has set up at 605-313-4255 and use access code 3475552. This information will be posted on my podcast website at TBTWpodcast.com under the extras for Episode 33.
Now I never want to end an episode of Transformed by the Word without offering you a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can transform your life. If you have never surrendered your life to the Lord, and do not currently have a personal relationship with him. You can change that today. Right now, wherever you are. It is by faith that we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He took the punishment that we deserved, for living in sin. And the great news is that he alone has the power to forgive our sins, and to reconcile us to God.
If you want to be born again, and begin a transformed life, pray this prayer with me right now.
God, I confess that I'm a sinner and I need Jesus in my life. I repent of my sins and I turn to you. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, He was buried and rose from the dead. I accept this by faith and invite Jesus to be Lord of my life, to reign and rule in my heart. Thank you God for forgiving me and saving me. Amen.
Now, if you just made a decision for Christ, I would love to be able to support you. Please go to my website and click the link letting me know about your decision for Christ so that I can encourage and support you with some next steps in your faith.
My prayer for you today is that you will step out on faith and exercise the gifts that God has placed on the inside of you and that you will walk out the purpose and calling that he has on your life. Don't worry if you don't feel equipped or worthy to do anything significant for God. He uses us anyway, because he is the one empowering us to do what He has called us to do.
Stay tuned for our next episode of transformed by the word where we will discuss your life's purpose.
Announcer 33:05
Thank you for listening to transformed by the word with your host Debora Barr, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play and connect with us at TBTWPodcast.com. Until next time, be blessed.