Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
87 - Life Transformation Stories (Part 2)
Rebroadcast of Episode 37
Life Transformation Stories (Part II). A divine encounter with Jesus completely transforms lives in biblical times and even today. Debora interviews Deaconess Olettia Plater, who shares how she cried out to Jesus at a very low point in her life – and her life has never been the same since!
Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss more – Life Transformation Stories
Engage with Debora Barr at https://tbtwpodcast.com/
Welcome to transformed by the word, a podcast about discovering how to live your life with gratifying purpose. God created you for a reason and the Bible contains the keys to unlock your transformed life. Now, here's your host, Debora Barr
Debora 0:28
Thanks for joining me for episode 37 of Transformed by the Word. We are in a run of episodes about life transformation, hearing the testimonies of people whose lives have personally been radically changed due to their encounter with Jesus. Some people know about Jesus, but they're not willing to surrender everything about their lives to Him for a variety of reasons. Some people know about Jesus, and they run away from him for a time before turning back and turning their lives over to allowing Him to be Lord of their lives.
What is it about Jesus that is so important to your life? I've invited a very dear friend and ministry partner who has served alongside me for more than 10 years as we minister to other people. Her name is Olettia Plater and she has a powerful story of how her life was transformed when she surrendered to Jesus. Olettia better known as Letty to many was married for 26 years before her husband Jeffrey Plater suddenly went home to be with the Lord in November of 2004. She's the mother of two adult children, a son and a daughter and has five grandchildren that all know the Lord. Letty’s desire is for women to grow and mature in the Word of God. Realizing earlier in her journey that her gift was exhortation, which is encouraging the body of Christ. She's a professional cosmetologist and has been for over 40 years. She became an entrepreneur owning her own business for 15 years, Anointed Hands Haircare Salon, where she provides a safe and stress free atmosphere where women feel comfortable and free not always needing services, but stopping by to share their life experiences.
In 1998, an in-home cell group was birthed called Divine Daughter's Healing and Deliverance Ministry. In 2010, she became the assistant director and a facilitator to the all things new ministry and the family support ministry. In 2016, Letty was called into leadership where she became an ordained Deaconess and the assistant chaplain to the Deaconess ministry. Letty’s mission has been if I could help somebody then my living shall not be in vain. Praying for and walking alongside women to trust God, surrendering all to God and experiencing His love for them. Learning and living a lifestyle of holiness.
Stay tuned, we'll be back in just a moment.
Hey, Letty, thank you so much for coming on the show today. I believe that you have a word for someone who will be listening to this message, and I can't wait for it to unfold.
Letty 4:36
Well, Deb, I like to thank you so much for inviting me. I'm very excited about this morning and I prayed to someone will be blessed.
Debora 4:46
Amen. Today we're talking about life transformation, how Jesus transforms lives. Would you take us back in time to your childhood and share a little bit about your life growing up?
Letty 5:01
Oh, wow. That is a really good question. I had to go back and going back, you know, you go back to those feelings of what you felt when you were a child. My childhood was a little chaotic. I am from a two parent home. But my dad was an alcoholic. He was a World War Two vet. And I think some of that kind of messed his mind up a little bit. So he was really strict and abusive to my mom. I was the youngest out of three children, the only girl and the boy put a little fight in me when I was young. So I couldn't understand what my mom or how my mom allowed my father to put his hands on her like that she was a mild caregiving woman, loved her children, provided much for her children. And so it was it was a little difficult. As a child. I'm out of it now. So you don't feel the brunt of it. So I have to try to go back and conjure up those feelings that I had.
Debora 6:29
It sounds like you were a little Spitfire.
Letty 6:32
Yes. Oh, a protective Spitfire.
Debora 6:39
And you could stand up to those brothers, I'm sure.
Letty 6:41
Yeah. Well, they helped me be a little Spitfire to protect myself from them.
Debora 6:48
Yes, yes. Well, I love to hear testimonies of how people met Jesus. And I want to ask you, where were you and what was your life, like when you had that very first real encounter with Jesus?
Letty 7:04
Oh, my gosh, there is a time I will never ever forget. I was in my bathroom. One morning, this was a Monday morning, I was off from work. I had just put my car in the shop. My husband had picked me up from the car dealer. I had come home, I was feeling terrible. I used to do cocaine. And that was my drug of choice at the time. And I was just feeling terrible that morning, I went into my bathroom, looked into the mirror, and no longer noticed who I was. And that was the whip in for me, because even doing the time of me doing the drugs, I would talk to God. I had seen so many people, lose their jobs, lose their marriages, lose their families. And I always said to myself, Lord, if I get close to that, take this away from me. But in the midst of it all darn. I call myself having fun. You know, I didn't think it was gonna take me out like that. I was just constantly having fun.
I was in the beauty industry. And with that, you know, drugs are everywhere. And so that morning, I looked in the mirror, no longer knowing who I was. And I was at that place that had asked God to help me. I went into the other part of my bathroom to where the commode was. I had a bag of cocaine. That was street value of $100 that was given to me. Misery loves company. So I poured it out in commode. And as I poured it out, I felt presence that I know now of God. That enabled me to do something like that. I knew it was God. And I fell to my knees and I prayed and I said Lord, please take this away from me. I don't want to end up like those other people that you that I saw that I saw. So it was on for me.
Debora 9:48
Wow. It sounds like you had some sort of relationship or encounter or knowledge of Jesus even long before that. Can you share going back to when you were younger, how did you even know to call out to God?
Letty 10:05
Well at the age of six, my mom would take us to church every Sunday. Um, and that's when I learned about Jesus, that He was God's Son, and that He came to save us. And so as six years old, I got saved, and baptized. And so from then on, by me being the only girl and the youngest child, I had a lot of times, sometimes to myself. And so I remember talking to Jesus and believing, and knowing that he was real. It was at the age of 13 is when I stepped away from the church, you know, with the boys and the parties, and you want to be a part of all of that is when I stepped away
Debora 10:58
But when you had that bathroom experience, you already knew who you needed to call on?
Letty 11:04
Yes, I did did. Do I my whole experience in that lifestyle? I will find myself talking to God. And I will say, and it's it's just mind boggling how God will protect you even in your mess. I will say to God, I said, Lord, I know I'm doing wrong right now. But can you protect me? And dad, there are many times that I was in places that I shouldn't have been. There was this one particular time I was in a place that was shouldn't have been. And the next day, I heard the police had raided that place. Close call. Yes. And even the salon that I worked. A lot of us, we did things It wasn't while clients were there, but we would do things afterward. And people would come afterward, it wasn't like a drug house, or anything like that. Look, it was a little more upscale than that.
Debora 12:17
You weren't in the warehouse. You were not in a warehouse in a dark alley.
Letty 12:21
Oh, look, if that's any better. It's not but it is. That's how it was at the time. And come to find out that there were FBI agents watching us. Now, I didn't find out about all of this. Until after I was able to go to the owner. We have very good friends to this day. And fat he gave his life to Christ after I did. And he just told me some of the things that we could have been locked up in prison, but it didn't happen. And I do know is because of the grace of God.
Debora 13:06
He was watching over you and protecting you even when you were living the Raggedy life,
Letty 13:11
Raggedy Deb, raggedy and that's why I know for sure. When people say want save. I always say that is true. Because God says He will never leave you or forsake you that he will always be right by yourself. So he was and he protected me in my mess. There was so many stories I can tell you but we don't have the time right.
Debora 13:46
Yeah, that's That's powerful. And you really speaking to someone today? I know there's people out there listening to this message that maybe are living on the edge and and waging their bet that they can get away with whatever it is for just another day, but you never know. You never know.
Letty 14:04
No, no, you don't. He came after me.
Debora 14:08
Hmm. Well, with that said, what changed about your life after you had this experience of of crying out to Him and throwing away the drugs and saying, Lord, I'm gonna live for you. What? What did your life look like after that?
Letty 14:23
You know, I find that God has a plan for your life. I had no clue what God was going to do. I know my desire was to be like some of those ladies in the church. They were prayer warriors, and intercessors singing for the Lord. And my mother came to live with me. After my father passed away. My mother came to live with my husband and I and I think was 1980 A and in her coming to live to live with me. I'm sorry, she was a church when always went to church. She began to go down to the church on the corner from me, which was the first First Baptist Church of Glenarden. And she would come home and say, Letty, you got to come. It's so funny. You got to come out here and hear this little man preach. That's what she would say. Oh, mom, okay. Now, the Lord. I had given the drugs to the Lord. He had taken that away, right. But I was still doing alcohol. Okay, so I'm like, okay, ma go. Because I couldn't fathom the fact that this man could preach and speak to me, like he did. So I went down with My Mom, I'll say down because it's down the street from me. Um, the first time I went to pick her up, and the people were coming out of the church, and he was smiling, and they were speaking to me. And I had a hangover. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh, these people, they look so happy. And they're so friendly. So I said, Okay. So the next Sunday, I went to church with my mom. And I tell you, Deb, my life has never, ever been the same.
The Lord used, as I know, now, I didn't know then that it was the Holy Spirit, using Pastor Jenkins to speak directly to me. Where I was where I had been, as a wife, as a mother. It was amazing. And I cry the whole time. I couldn't even look at in pastor's face, because it looked like he was looking right at me. Oh, my gosh, conviction. Yes. Oh, I cry. And I cried probably the next three times that I went there before I took the walk to rededicate my life. Wow.
Debora 17:36
Wow.Yeah, the message when God is drawing, it will penetrate right to your very soul.
Letty 17:43
Yeah. And I'm so grateful to my mother.
Debora 17:48
Well, how is your walk with Jesus? Ever since that time enabled you to face major life challenges, everybody goes through some big things, but how has your relationship with Jesus helped you through those difficult times?
Letty 18:03
You know, God is faithful. And he is faithful to His word. What he does for one he will do for another. My the tragic episode that happened in my life was when my husband died suddenly, in 2004. It was like, my life changed from what I knew it in a matter of seconds. Hmm. That's how quick my husband passed away, right before my eyes. And I'm like, Okay, Lord, what? Now? Because all that I learned when I when my husband was laying down on the bathroom floor, I prayed over him. I tried to turn him over and give him out the mouth. I spoke in tongues, I believe God was going to resurrect him. And it didn't happen.
So the next morning, I got up early, and I sat at my dining room table. And I said, Okay, God. Now what? I knew he was there. Because when all of this was happening, instead of me being a lunatic, I could have been because my daughter was pregnant. At the time she was with her second child. And she was due in December. This happened a week before Thanksgiving in November. Wow. And I knew what I knew about God already. So as I sat there, he gave me scripture. And he came behind me and wrapped his arms around me, as the tears dropped out of my eyes on the pages of, of my Scripture, the plans, he knows the thoughts that he thinks towards you, Jeremiah 29:11. Proverbs 3:5-5
Debora 20:20
Trust in the Lord.
Letty 20:23
Yeah. And I had to do that. And he showed me he directed me how to get through it. And it was almost like an audible, audible voice that directed me through that time in my life. So many things God did. And I knew it was him. But he told me to keep my eyes stayed on him, that all hell was gonna break loose on the right hand and left for me that I had to be like that horse on a race track with those blinders on. And I had to look to Him, not look to the right, or look to the left, but keep my eye focus on him and stand on the Word of God. Wow.
Debora 21:12
I know as a result of your relationship with the Lord, that you began to serve others. Can you tell us some of the ways that the Lord has empowered you and equipped you to serve other people?
Letty 21:27
Yes, oh my gosh, I love seeing women's people set free period. But it's something about when we come into the knowledge of Christ, and allow God's will to be done over our lives. We are free. Mm hmm. And so in 1998? Well, first of all, I'm a hairstylist, as you. As I said earlier, I've been doing hair for over 40 years. So women have been coming and sharing and I and when I got saved, of course, God, I found out that he gave me the gift of exhortation, and encouraging. So when I found that out, I was much freer to move in. Who, who I knew I was, okay. So then, the women would come and we would talk while I was doing their hair, and they began to start sharing things with me. First of all, these are women. I've been doing it here for years. So they seen the transformation, and then they begin to trust me with their stuff, you know. And so, from the behind the chair, I would share what I knew about Christ. And some of them already knew Christ, but didn't have a relationship. And some didn't. So from that, from this one lady that I had been doing I have for years, she said, You know what, I need to talk to you, you and maybe some of your other ladies, because I need to get an understanding of who Jesus is. And so I just, I was like, Cool. Let's do it.
So I mean, it was probably a week later, I gathered some ladies that I knew that we were all came in together and told them about this young lady. And from then a ministry was birthed. And it was called or is called divine daughter's healing and deliverance ministry. says, I just love to see women grow and mature in the Word of God.
Debora 24:10
Mm hmm. Yeah, God will use you right where you are with the gifts and the talents that he's given you even in your profession, to touch lives, and that's amazing. You don't have to go and be a pastor or be a minister or any of that God will use you right where you are with where he has placed you to impact other people's lives. Absolutely. Here's a question for you. If you could go back in time, and have a conversation with you as a younger person before you surrender to Christ. What would you say to yourself?
Letty 24:50
Oh my gosh. So that's a good one Deb. I have to go back to those times, because you remember, I used to be by myself a lot. And I would imagine I had an imaginary friend and all that stuff, but as a younger person, one thing, what I know now, what I didn't know, then, is the scripture that I just spoke that God has a plan for our lives. Now, even though my father was abusive, he, you know, he ran around on my mom, all that chaotic stuff that went on in my house. And at that time, see, I don't feel what I felt them. But I remember, at that time, I hated my father. And I wish my dad was dead. But when I became older, like 18, or 19, I was able to have a conversation with my father, and I hope I'm answering your question. But I was able to have a conversation with him on why he did what he did. And you know, my father cried, and he wept, and never forget that. And so back then, and the way I felt towards my dad, I didn't know what my dad was going through. I didn't know what he had gone through as a child. I didn't know that the war had affected him mentally. So my feelings for him were valid at the time because I was a child. I didn't know any better. But I just wish that I could have loved my father. Right where he was.
Debora 27:07
Yeah, that's a mature place. And as a child, it's not easy to do something like that. But if you could counsel, your younger self, sounds like you would instill some wisdom about understanding people and how their brokenness can spill over into our lives.
Oh, that is so good. And that's exactly what I do.
Debora 27:33
Do you have a favorite scripture or a life verse that you hold on to day to day?
Letty 27:46
I think I've shared it already. Jeremiah 29:11 Jeremiah 29. And oh, my gosh, I stand on that scripture. That is my life's scripture that in Proverbs, really? Five and six is to trust him? Yeah. Yeah.
Debora 28:04
What would you say to a listener that is listening to our message right now, who might not be sure that they're ready to surrender their life to Christ, maybe they're living the way that they want to live? And they are afraid of all that God will do to change their life? What would you say to them right now who might be fearful about surrendering their hearts to the Lord?
Letty 28:29
I do understand. I was one of those people. Afraid. I didn't know what God had for me. I was so used to living the life of disobedience. I couldn't see anything else. And what I was saying to you is if you take one step, God will do the rest. All he is asking you is to acknowledge him to believe that he's real, and he will do everything else. God is love. And his unconditional love is powerful. And he is faithful. Not saying that you're not going to go through anything when not exempt. But with him, he will allow you to go through with his help a lot easier with him than you would without him.
Debora 29:48
Yeah, that's powerful. He'll walk right alongside of you. As you are taking those little steps towards him. I like to say one tiny step that we take towards him he takes a giant leap towards us. And I know that's true in my own life as well. Amen. But is there anything else that you'd like to share with our listeners before we wrap up?
Letty 30:11
Oh my gosh, um, God is never ending. He is always speaking to us. There's always areas in our life that he wants. We're not perfect. He knows that. But he still loves us in spite of give Him your heart. Let him do what needs to be done to it. And only he can do it. Don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will take care of itself. Just let him be lord over your lives, and your life will never ever be the same.
Debora 31:02
Wow, that's so powerful. Now, I'll ask would you pray for our listeners today?
Letty 31:09
Yes. Father, we bless you and honor you. Lord, we thank you for life. We thank you for your love. We thank You for Your Mercy, and your grace. If it wasn't for the Lord, on our side, I don't know where I would be. So Father, God, I pray for the listeners right now in the name of Jesus, wherever they are in their lives, Lord God that they will look to you for all their help, and all their strength, knowing that it all comes from the Lord. For you are a source. You are a helper, and you are our keeper. I pray for those that are in the backslidden state that they will return to you that they know that the weapon has been formed against them shall not prosper. That Lord God, you said that you were married to the backslider. So you haven't given up on them, that you're still holding them in the palm of your hand, waiting for their return. And, Lord God, we thank You for this podcast and Debora Barr and her ministry. We thank You, Father God for all that you are doing in her and all the listeners that are hearing these different podcasts and being delivered and set free. So we thank you in the name of Jesus, we love you and adore. And thank you for loving us so much. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
Debora 32:57
Don't go away. We'll be right back after this short break.
We just heard from Letty Plater about her own radical life transformation, resulting from surrendering everything she had to Jesus Christ when she was at a low point in her life. And she encouraged anyone who is listening, who has not yet surrendered to Jesus, to take a step towards him, and allow him to do a transforming work in your life.
If you haven't surrendered your life to the Lord, but you feel that he's drawing you towards him. He wants you to know and to love Him. He is trustworthy, and He is the giver of transformed lives. It is by faith that we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He took the punishment that you deserved, for living a life separated from him a life of sin. He alone has the power to forgive your sins and reconcile you to God. If you want to be born again, and begin an intimate relationship with Him, you can pray a prayer like this right now.
God, I confess that I'm a sinner and I need Jesus in my life. I repent of my sins and I turn towards you. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and He was buried and rose from the dead. I accept this by faith and invite Jesus to be the Lord of my life, to reign and rule in my heart. And today, I surrender my life to him. Thank you, God, for forgiving me, and saving me. Amen.
If you just made that decision for Christ, I want to hear from you. You can visit my website at TBTWpodcast.com. And click on the link to let me know about your decision because I want to help you with the next steps in your faith.
My prayer for you today is that you will realize and know how Jesus thinks about you. He has thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. And I pray that you will trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and allow Him to direct your path.
Stay tuned for our next episode of transformed by the word where we will hear more life transformation stories.
Announcer 36:42
Thank you for listening to transformed by the word with your host Debora Barr, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play and connect with us at TBTWPodcast.com. Until next time, be blessed.