Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr

020 - A Life Devoted to Service

Debora Barr and Jasmin Earl Episode 20

#020 – Listen in as Debora interviews Jasmin Earl who shares how God’s Word has impacted her life so profoundly that she serves as a missionary overseas and sees the power of God’s Word manifested in the lives of the people she serves.  If you would like to connect with Jasmin, her email address is:

Stay tuned for our next episode where we will explore – Holy Spirit’s Power for Personal Healing.


Overland Missions -

Email Jasmin Earl - 


Welcome to transformed by the word, a podcast about discovering how to live your life with gratifying purpose. God created you for a reason and the Bible contains the keys to unlock your transformed life. Now, here's your host, Debora Barr

Debora 0:27  

Thanks for joining me for Episode 20 of transformed by the word. 

When the Word of God transforms a person's life, sometimes they're willing to give up whatever modern conveniences that they enjoy, and go anywhere in the world that God directs them to serve others. Today, I've invited a very special guest to the show, someone who takes to heart Jesus's command, to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that he commanded. 

Her name is Jasmin Earl, and she's a missionary with Overland Missions. The main goal of Overland Missions is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the most remote people, and the most forgotten places on earth. Jasmin developed a heart for Foreign Missions after she went on her very first trip to Costa Rica in 2013. About two years ago, when she was in Zambia, for the first time, the Lord really confirmed her calling to go to the nations. As an expedition leader, she spends about half of the year in the United States and the other half overseas. While stateside, she has the privilege of inviting people to come and see what God is doing in the nation's on two-week mission trips, which are called expeditions. Then, when she is overseas, she leads those expeditions into remote villages in Africa, in the countries of Zambia in Zanzibar. This past expedition season, Jasmin and the other missionaries in the expedition, saw 380 people give their lives to Jesus. 60 people were miraculously healed, and 10 people were delivered from demonic oppression. Jasmin will share some of her stories with us about her expedition trips. 

Stay tuned. We'll be back in just a moment. 


Debora 3:45

Jasmine, I am so glad that you're able to join me today.


Yeah, I'm so excited and honored to be a guest on here today.

Debora 3:50  

It's been a couple years since I've got to see you in person. I've been so blessed to read your newsletter and follow how God is doing such amazing things in and through your life.

Jasmin 4:02  

Yeah, I was just thinking today. It's been about two years since we've seen each other. I believe so. Yes. 


So where are you headed next? 


I am actually headed to a part of the Middle East in North Africa. I'm going with my team to do a reconnaissance trip is what we call it, which is basically scouting out the land and seeing what it would be like to do ministry there.

Debora 4:30  

Oh, that's amazing. So can you just share with us what inspired you to devote your entire life to this overseas mission work?

Jasmin 4:39  

And so for those of you who don't know, you knew my mom. But I feel like I feel like I have to start there. For those of you who don't know, she could never go anywhere without somebody knowing her. You know, my grandfather called her the mayor. Basically, everybody knew her or she was making a friend somewhere. She just loved people so genuinely. And it was actually after she passed away in 2012, I came across a Francis Chan quotes actually up in my room it says, “Do you know that nothing we do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God, and loving the people he has made.” 

And I mean, that's the first and second greatest commandment. But you know, it that was the that really struck me and I said, You know, I want to make my life matter. And so in 2013, a year after she passed away, I went on my first abroad mission trip to Costa Rica. And then in, it wasn't until 2017, that I went on my first trip to Africa. And that was where I really saw the Word of God come alive. I saw people healed, I saw people set free from demonic oppression I saw people save, and then people that had never even heard the gospel before. And so that really, I was like, I have to this has to be a big part of my life.

Debora 6:10  

Wow. Tell us about your salvation experience. I mean, when did you come to know the Lord is your personal Lord and Savior?

Jasmin 6:18  

Yeah, it was actually with my mom. One night before bed, I was really young, I was probably about four or five. And we, you know, I prayed and asked Jesus to be the, you know, come into my life, be the Lord of my life, one night before bed. But it probably wasn't until my freshman year of high school that I was really like, this is this is the real thing. And I remember, it was a moment in my life where I chose God over something, you know, just something trivial. But at that moment, he became so real. And it was just, you know, that was the start, I would say, of my relationship and walking the Lord.

Debora 7:02  

Wow. So how has your life besides initial salvation? I mean, how is your personal life been transformed by God's Word?


Jasmin 7:12  

I think first and foremost, it's been transformed because the Word of God cultivates intimacy with my father. Like, when I when I read it, it shows me His character. And so it says that he's, he's kind, and I've seen him as kind. You know, it says that he's the great comforter. And I've seen him as that in my life. And it says that he's loving and all of these things and shows me his character. But then it turns around, and it shows me who I am. And that has radically changed my life. 

I remember, in 2018, when I went for my missions training, this was when the revelation really hit me, my identity in Christ. And, you know, Second Corinthians 5:17, that, you know, the old has passed away, behold, the new has come, you know, everyone is everyone in Christ is a new creation. And that truth, radically changed everything where I realized, you know, I'm no longer I'm not, I can't claim that I'm a sinner saved by grace, you know, I used to be a sinner. 

Now it says, I'm the righteousness of Christ. And that is who I am. And so walking forward in that has completely shifted how I'm able to approach situations, whether it's in America, or whether it's in Africa. 

And then I think, lastly, you know, it, it becomes my new reality, it shapes everything, because that's the lens that I'm seeing everything through. And so it doesn't matter what I can actually see with my physical eyes, but it's, it's what the Word of God says. And so whether it's for financial provision, or healing or freedom, it's all addressed in His Word. And so I get to choose whether I'm walking in that or whether I'm not. And I just, you know, I don't think it's like a name claim it type thing. But I do think that I want my confession to match what he's revealed his character to be in his in the Word of God. 

Debora 9:19  

What a powerful way to live your life with the Holy Spirit fully working in and through your life and truly believing everything that we see in God's word is really, really true. It's not just something other people wrote about, many, many years ago. It's a living and alive today.

Jasmin 9:37  


Debora 9:39  

Can you share with us some of the amazing stories? I've heard some of them but some of the stories about how your life has been able to impact other people in these, these places where people never had access to the gospel and what kinds of things have you seen that just would really encourage someone today to know how true God's word is?

Jasmin 10:00  

All right, I first want to start off this question by saying, people that were discipling in these third world countries or wherever it is, they are absolutely winning, because they are reading, they're saying, Oh, this is what the Word of God says, Okay, this must be true. 

Like there are multiple ministry partners that we have that have prayed for the dead to come back to life. And they've come back to see it in the Word of God. And they're like, they truly believe. And it's so incredible just to see that. But I think of, you know, I think the first story that comes to mind of someone's life that was transformed by the word of God was a woman that we met, and one of the villages and we got to her house. And she actually ran away when we got there. And, you know, we were kind of confused, but we sat with her family. And then when she came back, she sat through and listened to everything. And then afterwards, she said, You know, I was in, I was in the field, and something told me, like something told me inside to come back. And so she came back, we shared the gospel with her, she prayed and received salvation, she actually, you know, was, was fighting some demonic oppression. And we prayed for freedom and declared freedom in the name of Jesus. And she was set free. And then afterwards, I taught her Galatians 5:1, and I have a video of her on my phone, where she's kind of, you know, quoting that scripture, and in her native language, and it was absolutely incredible. 

Then I saw her the next day, at a soccer game, and she walked up to me, and she was like, I want to tell you something, you know, I went to church for the first time, in two years, and I was able to stay through the entire service, without, you know, without anything happening spiritually without anything grabbing up, and you're spiritually. And it was just like, the most beautiful thing that her life was transformed by that by that piece of the Scripture, and just being able to stand on freedom, freedom in Christ, and I told her, you know, the enemy is going to come back, and he's going to try to convince you that you're not free. But, but you are, and you claim, you know, you quote it, you stand on the Word of God, and you stand on the truth.

Jasmin 12:29  

And so, I mean, they're just, there are so many stories like that, I don't know, you want me to share as many as you'd like. Because it's so encouraging to know how powerful God's word is. And when people truly believe it, they get free, whether it's its physical healing, its spiritual healing, 


please share, share with us some more.

Jasmin 12:51  

The next story is about a little baby, who when we walked up to her house, she actually she wasn't even able to crawl, all she could do was kind of scoot herself on her bottom. And so I wasn't there on the first day, but others in my team were and so they shared the gospel with the parents, and they encourage the parents. And they prayed for healing for the little for the little baby. And nothing happened. 

But they said, No, we believe God wants to heal your wants to heal your little girl. And so you continue speaking life over her continued declaring the Word of God and healing over her. And, and let that be your confession. And then, you know, they left and then I came back the next day, and I was with another person that had been there the day before. And we walk up to the house, and the little girl is walking up to us holding her mom's pay.


Oh, wow. 


And I just, I almost want to cry, like thinking about it, because it was, you know, how many times do we get discouraged when we don't see the miracle right away? Like, maybe God doesn't want to do it for me, but instead standing in, in firm in your faith? No, I believe that in the same way that Jesus paid for my sin on the cross, he paid for all the effects of my sin. And so let me stand let me stand in this and let me let me speak life over it. And it was just, it was so beautiful. And then the neighbor actually saw and he comes over, he said, I have never seen her walk before. Would you please pray for me like this? 

Debora 14:43  


Yeah, we even see those kinds of healings in in the Bible. I mean, sometimes it doesn't happen right away. Sometimes it's a progressive thing. Right.

Jasmin 14:52  

Right. And so it's just it standing firm in that. No, I believe that whenever God wants to do it, or However he wants to do it that he's going to do it because the word is so clear. Mark, Mark 16, it talks about, I just want to read it because it's I mean, 17 through 20 says, the signs will follow those who believe in my name, they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly will by no means hurt them, they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. And so yeah,

Debora 15:26  

why do you think you're seeing these miraculous things overseas? And maybe we don't see that so much here in the USA.

Jasmin 15:34  

Right? I feel like this is the one of the most common questions or just a conversation that I have a lot. And I even have a picture on my vision board for this year, because I want to see it in the same degree in the same measure here in the US. And so the picture on my vision board is actually the continent of Africa with the American flag inside of it. Because I want my ministry in the US and my ministry in Africa just to be seamless. And so I think about it, and I wrestle with it a lot. 

But I think one thing personally, which I, you know, this is completely on me is that when I'm in Africa, and somebody sits across from me, and they tell me, you know, have back pain or have shoulder pain. It would almost be you, you will never find me saying, oh, okay, like, I'll pray for you later, I'm walking away. It's always immediate. I believe in a God who heals, and that he wants to heal you. Can I pray for you right now? And how many times in America? And are we but I mean, I'll just say myself, you know, somebody tells me that Oh, like, I'm so sorry to hear that I'll definitely be praying for you. 

Or here's a prescription - and it's nothing against doctors, and it's nothing against medicine, but it's that, where's my where's my faith, and where's my action? Because I do hear about healing ministries in the US when they're actually putting the Word of God to, not to the test, but they're actually just walking in the truth of what the Word says, and seeing people healed. And seeing people set free from demonic oppression and all of these things, but it's, I think it's the willingness to be almost authentic, or just, yeah, actually go after and pursue the things of God, fully. So, I mean, I'm sure there's other reasons, but that's kind of been my latest.

Debora 17:49  

Yeah, yeah. I've always wondered that. Because it seems like, I don't know if it's, the people have a more pure faith, maybe in other places that are just hearing the gospel for the first time, versus kind of growing up in the church and thinking, you know, everything about God, already.

Jasmin 18:09  

Yeah. So it's definitely a potential because I know I can speak for Zambia, they have a much of a greater awareness of the spiritual, whereas in America, everybody just believes it's all that I can see, you know, what I see is lead again, you know, just that. And over there, they're going and see witch doctors for healing, and they're going to all of these other spiritual sources, even just for emotional healing. Whereas here, you know, for emotional healing, we just buy something. You know, so I think that definitely could play into it.

Debora 18:51  

Yeah. I got a question. What about language barriers? I mean, are, do you have translators, when you go to these countries in these places? Or how does that work? How do you actually communicate with people that don't speak English?

Jasmin 19:04  

Yeah, yeah, we always have translators with us wherever we go. But they're actually the translators that we have are people that are missionaries on the ground have met and have discipled. To the point where, you know, they've been actually doing it probably longer than I have. And so we actually have started calling them ministry partners, because they're incredible ministers of the word. Even in Zanzibar. I know we have some ministry partners, and I look at them because it's an over 90% Muslim Island. And I'll be actually going back there this year. But I look at one of our you know, our ministry partners that are native to Zanzibar and I say, Listen, I don't know how to answer this question about Muhammad or whatever would you do take it and I fully trust them because they're incredible ministers, so

Debora 19:58  

Wow, that's amazing. That's amazing. Have you gone back to like, the same villages that you visited before? And are you seeing like continual growth in the people that you were able to witness to administer when you come back and see him again?

Jasmin 20:15  

Right, right. That's so before this year, I would have had to say no, because so the way that our organization works is I'm in expeditions, which expeditions is kind of our spear heading into a village. So typically, I lead short term, two week trips into remote villages in Africa. And then after I leave, and after the team that's with me leaves, the missionaries that are living overseas full time, will go back into that village. And they're the ones that start Bible studies, discipleship, and they start training up indigenous leaders, because our goal is to train up an indigenous leader to the point where they can steward the move of God in that area. And it's actually really cool, because this year, to the villages I'm going back into, I'm working with indigenous leaders. So it's not even our American missionaries, it's indigenous Gambian leaders. But this year, I actually got to go back into some villages that I had been previously. Because of everything that COVID shifted around, we actually didn't need teams into new village, or we didn't lead teams into new villages. But I got to go back and follow up and see some of the people that I ministered to, with the missionaries on the ground. And it was so it was so special, because I don't usually get to do that in expeditions. I'm usually just focused on evangelism. So that was really a blessing.

It was so sweet. So I have some pictures that people like from a year ago, and then today and or this year, and so it was so great.

Debora 21:57  

Do you see yourself doing this for years and years to come?

Jasmin 22:02  

I do. I had somebody asked me that the other day. And I just, I it is, it really is we say in our organizations, it's the dream job. And it really is I can't, I can't see myself, I can't imagine myself doing anything. Anything else? And so it's been it's been a wild journey the past two years, but it's been so, so fun and fulfilling. So yeah, 


That's amazing. If somebody who's listening to our podcast today, is inspired to maybe explore the possibility of becoming a missionary, or they just want to support you personally. How can they connect with you?

Jasmin 22:45  

That is a great question. So if they want to explore the possibility of becoming a missionary, or if they want to donate towards my missions work, everything can be found on  But I would be happy to connect with them personally. And so they can have, you know, I can, I can get my email address, I can get my phone number, whatever it is, that you think would be helpful. But if they want to look into the places or the countries that we lead trips to has all of the countries that are leading trips to and then if they wanted to support me there's a link that says donate, and all they have to do is put my name in the donation box.

Debora 23:36  

Okay. And if you don't mind, just share your email address. Somebody may want to write it down and reach out to you.

Jasmin 23:43  

Yeah, it's very, it's very simple. It's Jasmin@overland so it's jasmin - There's no ‘e’ on the end. If you put an E It won't get there.


You've been a blessing today, just sharing part of your life with us. And I'm just so pleased to see everything that you've been doing. I love getting your newsletters and hearing about your expeditions and your impact on the kingdom of God. And I know your mom would be so proud of you!

Jasmin 24:19  

Thank you so much. It's been it's been an honor and a privilege just being able to partner with God in this way. And I'm excited to see what's to come.

Debora 24:29  

Yeah, before I let you go, would you pray for our listening audience?

Jasmin 24:34  

Absolutely. God, we just love you so much. God, we thank you for your heart for people. We thank you that your heart is for every person to come to know you to be in relationship with you. And God I think you that whoever's listening today whoever's on the other sound of my voice or that you have people for them in their sphere of influence to touch to impact and to love with the love that that you give. And so God, I ask that you would just, yeah that you would open our eyes to show us every day who it is that you've put in our path, who it is that you want us to love on. God, I just ask that you would stir in anyone's heart that is unsure God that you would stir in their heart for the nation's Lord, if there's even a slight desire, or that you would find that into flame and that they would explore further possibilities that they might come on a two week trip or God that you would just speak to them and give them direction. Because God, you're so worthy, you're worthy of our life, you're worthy of every decision of every breath of every place that we go to. And so God we just, we trust you, we commit our lives to you. And there's no one we'd rather partner like there's nothing we'd rather do than serve you.

Debora 26:03  

Lord I pray a blessing over Jasmin's life. And I just pray that you continue to keep her safe God that you continue to show yourself mighty and strong in and through her life, and that you go before her and behind her. And, Lord, just continue to bless her and her team members as they continue to serve you. It's in Jesus name that I pray. Amen. 

Don't go away. We'll be right back after this short break.


Debora 27:14  

We just heard from Jasmin Earl, a missionary whose life has been completely transformed by God. She has personally witnessed the power of God working in the lives of people, as they believe with their whole heart that what God says in His Word is true. Acts 1:8 says, but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you shall be witnesses to me, in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. If you have an interest in learning more about serving as a missionary, or in supporting the work that Jasmin does, you can email her at 

She is fulfilling the plans and the purposes that God had for her life. And it all began when she surrendered her life to the Lordship of Jesus. 

If you have never surrendered your life to Him, you can do that right now. It is by faith that we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. And if you are ready to place your trust in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and receive the forgiveness of sins. You can pray this prayer with me right now. 

God, I confess that I'm a sinner, and I need Jesus in my life. I repent of my sins and I turn to you. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. He was buried and rose from the dead. I accept this by faith. And I invite Jesus to be Lord of my life to reign and rule in my heart. Thank you God for forgiving me and saving me. Amen.

If you just made a decision for Christ, I would love to hear from you. Please visit my website at and click the link letting me know that you made a decision for Christ today so that I can encourage you and support you with the next steps in your faith.

 My prayer for you today is that you will ask the Lord if you are currently doing what he created you for and that you will surrender your will to him and allow him to fully direct your life. Who knows he might have a great adventure or waiting for you on the other side of your yes to His will and his way. 

Stay tuned for our next episode of transformed by the word where we will be discussing the Holy Spirit's power for personal healing.

Announcer 30:31  

Thank you for listening to transformed by the word with your host Debora Barr, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play and connect with us at Until next time, be blessed.

Transcribed by